Journalist Paco Nadal publishes beautiful video of the Carretera Austral in his Youtube channel

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Review with us a tour of Carretera Austral through an audiovisual documentary by Spanish journalist Paco Nadal, in a unique adventure lasting 9 minutes.

The Road

Let us remember that Nadal was traveling through Aysén a few weeks ago at the invitation of Chile Travel, and was able to visit such fascinating places as Caleta Tortel and the Baker River. In addition, we already have information that a trip for the journalist is being organized as the leader of a group trip to the Carretera Austral together with travelers from the newspaper El País in April 2024.

We invite you to visit his YouTube channel

Group 3 Created with Sketch.

Categorías - People - Parks - Roadtrip - Culture - Kayak - Route Patagonian Parks - Trekking